From Headlines to Storylines: Niki’s Journey to Becoming a Marketer

Niki likes to draw comics, sometimes for fun and at times to express herself. “I like being able to create things. It drives me to do better.” Scroll through Niki’s Linkedin and you’ll see slick and savvy designs, where she blends storytelling with eye-catching graphics.

Before joining Vedica, Niki was a journalist turned marketer. “I was preparing for the Defence services and read a lot of news. It was reading that intensified my desire to write.” She studied journalism and joined The Indian Express. “But I didn’t want to just be a cog in the wheel,” she says. During the pandemic, Niki found a podcast called Advertising is Dead— she learned more from those 150+ episodes than from any other degree. When she started obsessing over ads and campaigns like VCs obsess over start ups, a new world opened up. “I learnt a lot about communications and marketing. That’s when I started applying for jobs in that domain.”

Vedica was at the back of Niki’s mind even as she learnt the ropes of marketing at a startup. The faculty, duration and curriculum design — especially the liberal arts and communications tracks — aligned with her desire to be a creative and holistic leader.

“I’d come with the intention of specific subjects around my interests. But now, I understand everything– the complexities of how a business functions, how to be creative at every level, sustainability, the integration of sociology and business, critical thinking, and whatnot.”

Most importantly, Niki has been able to introspect and gain newer perspectives about herself. “I didn’t know I could be good at giving speeches, debating, ‘making’ PPTs,” she says as she flips through her projects. You can see it’s a Niki production: Bold fonts and a captivating design that tells an immersive story.

Niki has also figured out some of her weaknesses, finance being the biggest of them. “All courses on finance have made me well-versed with P&Ls, cash flows and balance sheets. I had a lot of questions to ask. This makes me believe that one shouldn’t shut doors to subjects they’re alien to.”

For Niki, problem solving is now something ‘creative’. She hopes that her attention to detail, curiosity and the ability to tell a story can leave a lasting impression.

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